IEEE Award for Moeness Amin from Villanova University


Moeness Amin from Villanova University receives one of the IEEE’s most prestigious honors: “For contributions to radar signal processing across a wide range of applications including through-the-wall imaging and health monitoring”, Dr. Amin is awarded the 2022 IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications. Dr. Amin is a long-term collaborator of the Signal Processing Group at TU Darmstadt.

The collaboration between Dr. Amin and the Signal Processing Group dates back to 2003, when Dr. Amin started to co-supervise PhD student Dr.-Ing. Luke Cirillo, who worked on Narrowband Array Signal Processing at TU Darmstadt. The collaboration continued with the joint supervision of Dr.-Ing. Christian Debes , who graduated at TU Darmstadt on Advances in Detection and Classification for Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging in 2010. Dr.-Ing. Michael Leigsnering started his Dr.-Ing. tenure immediately after Dr.-Ing. Debes graduation in December 2010. He defended his thesis on Sparsity-Based Multipath Exploitation for Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging in the presence of Dr. Amin in August 2015. Among the many internationally prestigious awards that Dr. Amin accumulated during his outstanding academic career, he was awarded the Humboldt Prize in 2016. The Humboldt Prize recognizes internationally renowned scientists “whose fundamental discoveries, new theories or findings have had a lasting effect on their discipline beyond their immediate research area and who are expected, moreover, to continue producing outstanding research in the future.“ As a Humboldt Fellow, Dr. Amin was a Visiting Researcher with the Signal Processing Group from 2016 – 2019. During this period, he started to serve as the co-supervisor of yet another SPG PhD student, Dr.-Ing. Ann-Kathrin Seifert . She successfully defended her PhD thesis on Signal Processing for Gait-Analysis in 2020.

To date, members of the Signal Processing Group and Dr. Amin have collaborated on more than 40 scientific publications in top-tier signal processing journals and conference proceedings. In addition, Dr. Amin has repeatedly invited PhD students from the SPG for extended research visits at his Center for Advanced Communications (CAC) at Villanova University. During all the years of collaboration, the members of the Signal Processing Group have profited from Dr. Amins outstanding technical expertise. We warmly congratulate Dr. Armin on receiving the 2022 Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications!