Wassim Suleiman
Former Member of the Signal Processing Group at the Institute of Telecommunications, TU Darmstadt. (This page is longer maintained. Last update: 12/2017)
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Wassim Suleiman received his Engineering Diploma in Telecommunications from the Higher Institute for Applied Science and Technology (HIAST) in Damascus in 2004. His diploma thesis was concerned with Network Intrusion Detection System (NDIS). In 2005 he joint the HIAST in Damascus as Research Associate until Novemebr 2010, where he started his Master study in Information and Communication Engineering at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. The subject of his Master Thesis was Super-Resolution for Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging Based on Compressive Sensing.
Currently Wassim is working on his Ph.D. in the Signal Processing Group.
Completed Student Theses
Gerta Kushe | Decentralized direction finding using subspace methods |
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