Nevine Demitri M.Sc.
Former Member of the Signal Processing Group at the Institute of Telecommunications, TU Darmstadt. (This page is no longer maintained. Last update: 06/2016)
work +49 6151 16-21347
fax +49 6151 16-21342
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Office Hours: Monday, 14-17h
Nevine was awarded a DAAD scholarship for graduates of German schools abroad to pursue her bachelor and master degree in Darmstadt University of Technology. There, she received her B.Sc. in 'Information and Communication Technology' and her M.Sc. in 'Electrical Engineering and Information Technology' in 2009 and 2011, respectively.
Her bachelor thesis was concerned with eyelid detection in digital images. Her master thesis was entitled 'Binaural Feedback Cancellation in Hearing Aids' and was written in cooperation with , Erlangen. Siemens Audiologische Technik
In May 2011, Nevine commenced working on her PhD in the Signal Processing Group.
Completed Student Projects
Lisa Hesse | Filter Design for Biomedical Devices |
Alexander Zorn | Digital Image Segmentation via Template Matching in Glucose Measurement Systems |
Veronica Aramendia | A Segmentation Algorithm for Measuring Blood Glucose in Handheld Devices |
Tobias Striffler | Image Segmentation via Template Matching for Measuring Blood Glucose in Hand-held Devices |
Tobias Striffler | Application of the Kalman Filter for Tracking the Chemical Reaction in Glucometers |
Mario Müh (joint supervision with Henning Puder) |
Schätzung der Einfallsrichtung von Audiosignalen in Frequenzteilbändern |
Thomas Kübert | Markov Random Field – Based Segmentation Methods for Measuring Blood Glucose in Hand-held Glucometers |
Simon Truber |
Comparsion of Mean Shift Algorithms for Image Filtering and Segmentation |
Thomas Kübert | Texture analysis of Blood Glucose Images |
Simon Truber |
A Gaussian Mixture Modelling Approach for Blood Glucose Image Segmentation |
Ilya Klyashtornyy |
Co-occurrence Based Texture Analysis of the Glucose Concentration in Blood |
Nils Curtze |
Segmentation of Digital Images - a Spatially Dependent Gaussian Mixture Model |
Valentin Mees | Segmentation of Blood Glucose Images |
Ann-Kathrin Seifert | Video Processing of Glucose Measurements |
Karim Wahby | Union of spaces methods for video segmentation |

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