Di Jin
Former Member of the Signal Processing Group at the Institute of Telecommunications, TU Darmstadt (This page is no longer maintained. Last update: 12/2020)
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Office Hours: Tuesdays, 14-17h
Di Jin received her B.Sc. degree in Information and Communication Engineering from (China) in July 2011 and her M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from Zhejiang University in August 2014. Technische Universität Darmstadt
In her bachelor thesis, she investigated the influence of non-linearity in the signal chain on OFDM signals. Her master thesis was concerned with cooperative localization methods for sensor networks in LOS/NLOS environments.
In September 2014, Di commenced working on her Ph.D. in the Signal Processing Group.
The topic of Di's Ph.D. research is in the area of cooperative localization in sensor networks.
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