For his Contributions to Robust Signal Processing and Statistical Learning
Michael Muma receives the EURASIP Early Career Award
2021/03/12 by Sebastian Stamm
The „European Association For Signal Processing“ (EURASIP) Early Career Award EURASIP Early Career Award is awarded to outstanding researchers and engineers at an early or mid-stage of their career who are younger than 40 years, and whose current work shows not only significant scientific achievements but also high potential to advance scientific knowledge through novel, timely and significant endeavors. This year’s award goes to Dr.-Ing. Michael Muma of the Signal Processing Group.
EURASIP is an international scientific association scientific society for he theory and application of signal processing that was founded 1978. With the Early Career Award, the Society honors young researchers who have made outstanding contributions to the field of signal, speech and image processing.
Exceptional career
In his still young research career, Dr.-Ing. Michael Muma has already made many achievements: after his diploma thesis, he worked as a Research Associate at the Department of Signal Processing at TU Darmstadt from 2009 to 2014. In his doctoral thesis, he worked on robust statistical methods for signal processing with a special focus on applications in biomedicine.
He received the distinction “summa cum laude” for his Doctorate. In addition to working on his PhD thesis, Mr. Muma led the work package “Robust Distributed Multi-Source Detection and Labelling” as part of the HANDiCAMS project, which focused on robust distributed signal processing techniques for wireless sensor networks. In 2015, he mentored the student team of Technische Universität Darmstadt that won the IEEE Signal Processing Cup. In 2017, he received the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award. In 2020, he co-authored the paper of Aylin Tastan, who received the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE Radar Conference.
Since 2018, Michael Muma is a lecturer for the lecture “Robust Signal Processing With Biomedical Applications” and the project seminar “Robust and Biomedical Signal Processing”. He was also appointed Athene Young Investigator of the Technische Universität Darmstadt in October 2017. With this program, TU Darmstadt promotes early scientific independence of outstanding young scientists with the career goal of a professorship. Under his supervision or co-supervision, four doctoral students have already successfully completed their doctorates.
The award ceremony will take place at the 29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), which is expected to be held in Dublin. There, Dr.-Ing. Muma will be honored at the opening ceremony as an Early Career Award winner for his contributions to robust signal processing and statistical learning and will receive a certificate and prize money of 2,000 euros.